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by Bryce Kanzer

CLICK HERE to listen and buy “Reflections” on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and more.

"Reflections" is an album of music for meditation. Within these compositions are musical mantras, inspiration from temples and nature, and an expression of the energy that connects us to our world. Each track has it's own unique sonic, musical and emotional space. I invite you to relax to the easygoing, soothing sounds of these 18 pieces.

I composed Reflections between April and October of 2018. The tracks were all created using Ableton Live. Sound sources include piano, violin, cello, harp, prayerbowls, shakuhachi and bansuri flutes, birds, rain, forests, oceans, and synthetic sources from my Virus TI2 synthesizer.

Thanks goes out to Zac Zinger for recording bansuri and shakuhachi, and to Matthew Hines for mastering the album.